Food drives bring aid, comfort to needy across Texas
A pair of Martin Marietta district teams again reached deep into their hearts this summer to bring aid to men, women and children across Texas.
Employees in the Southwest Division’s Gulf Coast District and the Cement and Southwest Ready Mix Division’s South Texas Ready Mix District worked to assist the Coastal Bend Food Bank and the Central Texas Food Bank, respectively.

collected 52,000 pounds of food for the needy
Sales Coordinator Charlcey Taylor said the Gulf Coast District again collected food from employees, customers and vendors during the annual Customer Appreciation Shrimp Boil.
“The first year, we donated 100 pounds of food,” Taylor said. “Last year, we donated 22,000 pounds. And this year, our customers brought in 52,000 pounds!”
In South Texas Ready Mix, employees contributed more than 2,000 pounds of food, said Process Engineer Marcus Gates. While all company teams in the region participated and were successful in the charitable effort, employees in the Austin District were named the 2019 Food Drive Champions after donating an average of 7.54 pounds of food per employee.
“The summer is one of the toughest times of the year for food banks and with our contributions, we have helped many families in need,” Gates said.