‘It’s not just like this at our location, it’s everywhere:' Pinesburg Quarry employees reflect on the culture of Martin Marietta
For Pinesburg Quarry’s Office Manager Wendy Baugher and Production Management Associate Seth Chaney, it was the people who led them to their careers.

Everyone has their own story on how they got to Martin Marietta.
For Pinesburg Quarry’s Office Manager Wendy Baugher and Production Management Associate Seth Chaney, it was the people who led them to their careers.
It began in the summer of 2021. Chaney was working for a local landscaping company that completed projects for the quarry.
“The more I’m around here, the more I want to do something like this. I want to be involved with the stone process,” Chaney said while dropping off an invoice to Baugher. “It was intriguing to watch. It was mesmerizing to watch the production process happen.”
Feeling Martin Marietta’s ONE culture strongly, Baugher was inspired to say something.
She encouraged Chaney, who was initially set on a career in stormwater management, to pursue his newfound interest in aggregates, even if he didn’t have a direct association with producing stone.
“Martin Marietta is great about developing its own talent, and there are different opportunities if you want to pursue a career with the company,” Baugher said to Chaney.
This was the turning point that led Chaney to apply and receive a spot as a production management associate, a rotational training program designed to teach a variety of industry disciplines.
Chaney listened and, in June, began his journey at Martin Marietta.
Soon, after a few hours on the job, Chaney went to Baugher and expressed his gratitude for her encouragement and resources.
“I owe her quite a bit. If Wendy hadn’t stopped and seen the opportunity to help somebody like me, I would never have known this opportunity existed. I appreciate her very much. She is an invaluable member of our team,” Chaney said.
Like Chaney, Baugher is not without her own story of how she landed at Pinesburg Quarry.
At the time, she was working for a company on Martin Marietta’s property. She met the plant manager and found out he was her parent’s neighbor.
When the office manager position came open, the plant manager knew she was the right person for the role.
A new mother at the time without a regular babysitter, Baugher was nearly unable to attend the interview; the plant manager assured her that it was OK and encouraged her to bring her young daughter to the interview with her.
Quarry crew members took care of the child while she learned more about the job.
The rest is history.
“It’s just being surrounded by good people who are focused on being part of a good organization. You have more than just a company that you work for. They are like family,” she said. “It’s not just like this at our location. It’s everywhere.”